Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I have been fighting a sore throat since Sunday night, and decided could it be allergies? Just took some allergy medication to find out! Never had allergies before, but supposedly this is the year of allergies for Arizona. If that's the problem I will be happy to solve it with drugs! I don't want to be sick and get anyone else in the same boat. I am determined to have a better day with Stellan today. So far so good. I have been spring cleaning this damn house and tonight Jason gets more tattoo work done! woo hoo! :)

My fussy mussy baby!

Today I am at my wits end with Stellan's screaming, so I just made an appointment with the chiropractor for Thursday. I've had other mom's recommend an infant adjustment for fussy babies. I am currently running the vacuum next to him to calm him down. I love him to pieces but what is the problem? He is only happy for 5 minutes at a time, other than that he screams! Dear God give me patience. Hoping the adjustments might help or maybe day by day growing up will. Either way the screams are very trying mentally and physically for me. Enough complaining...maybe some wine will help? ;)