Thursday, June 24, 2010

Red Velvet Cupcakes in a Jar-yes to that!!

Just saw this blog on another website...and think this is such a cute how yummy is this?

Red Velvet Cupcakes in a Jar~

My new camera

So my mom bought us a nice camera for Christmas...but I was unhappy with a few of the features. Finally I fessed up and told her, so she returned it and we ordered a new one. Thanks for Liz for doing all the research before hand, and an apology for getting the same exact camera as you!! It's in the mail and as soon as we get it I will take some new pictures and post!

In other news we are getting very excited for our upcoming Michigan trip. Can't wait to leave the heat, but also a little apprehensive about flying 5 hours with a 6 month old! I am also looking forward to redoing my coffee table when some fabric I ordered gets here next week. It will be one of my 1st larger projects...I am hoping it's going to turn out great! Look forward to blogging with you soon!

Love, Lia

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Big Boy and His Solid Food

Jason had me totally cracking up today when I was watching him feed Stellan. We were having a bit of a problem with Stellan continually looking down while eating and basically couldn't get the spoon in his mouth. Leave it up to Jason to find a way to get his son to recognize the spoon! Stellan now is keeping his mouth open the entire feeding just waiting for his spoonful of food. Stellan is going to be a giant continuing to eat like this! I love seeing that he has a great appetite like his Dad and Mom. Here's a funny little video....