Friday, January 7, 2011

Whose child is this?

Today as I warmed up Stellan's toddler tray lunch. I wondered if he would enjoy the food that I was about to set before him. A gourmet medley of chicken bites, pasta wheels, and peas. I figured he would love the pasta (he is a product of me you know!). But ass product of me, I assumed he would despise the peas. Oh how I hate peas and olives. I will eat ANY other kind of vegetables. And what did my sweet little blond haired offspring do? He went for the peas. He loved them. Devoured them. Then looked for more. Who's child is this?

Then we finished lunch with some lucky charms. He finger picked out all the marshmallow pieces first~now that is more like his mommy!

Here is a little clip. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's on my mind today.

Today I was just thinking about how thankful I am for the many women in my life! I am so lucky to have 2 wonderful sisters who I adore, it's so great to have them for support. I love that I can talk to them about anything, although Liz is usually disagreeing on half of what I am saying (love you Liz)! I can't imagine how my life would have been without sisters. I went through my red photo box Mom put together with us last night, and I had watery eyes through most of it. So many fun times captured on camera with my sisters. Dorky stages, cool stages, younger, older, traveling, home...we were always all together tearing it up! My sister in law Jamie, who I wish I had more time with, we always chat it up when we our together~hopefully at some point we will see more of each other.

So lucky for my very close girlfriends too, Megan, Candis, and Brooke (in order of how long I have known you) when I get to spend time with my girlfriends. Gossip, share funny stories, or recipes! Love seeing all of us grow our family's and hoping Brooke and me, and maybe Megan too can be preggo at the same time soon!

My 2 mommies! So lucky to have you both. Your are so different and I love that I can experience both of you. My momma who bore me, raised me, and continues to be one of my best friends. Joanna banana thank you for loving me so much. My momma in law Judy who treats me just like her own. So lucky that we can be so close even though we aren't "blood."

My 4 Grandma's...who I know are always praying for our family. Thank you for starting it all! Love to all my Aunt's and girlie cousins wish I have more time to spend with all of you!

On that note...I am going to enjoy a "girls night out" tonight!! Cheers to my ladies!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Reflections of 2010

I got reprimanded a little the other night at Candi's birthday party for not keeping up my blog so here I go....

2010 was a amazing year for our family. What a difference a baby makes! On New Year's last year I was sadly awaiting the homecoming of Stellan from the NICU. It was definitely hard to ring in the New Year without holding your new son in your arms.

Once he got home though, we were on a role! Feeding, Diaper changes, and LOTS of screaming (thank you Stellan, I seriously think I have some permanent hearing loss!) But most of all those first few months I felt an overwhelming feeling of LOVE. My mom always told me growing up, that we were the "joy" of her lives. How much she loved us. I believed her but I don't think you can truly understand the capacity of that love till you experience being a parent yourself. And it's true that the love just continues to grow as your little one's grow up!

We took a big risk this year and bought a home without seeing the inside. Sometimes risks have advantages though, and we are so very happy we took a chance. We have been very busy remodeling and decorating. Jason has been such a trooper when it has come time to change lights, fans, remodel the fireplace, paint cabinets...the list goes on and on. Can't believe he has the energy after a full day's work. I am so thankful for him.

Our family has been healthy for the most part this year. With the grandparents getting into their 80s and 90s we are so happy that we can enjoy them and they are still with us to watch us grow!

We are praying for a healthy pregnancy in 2011. We are waiting until after my 30th Birthday to start trying. It's a bitter sweet goal for me. The thought of possibly completing our family is exciting but I am extremely scared and worried about having another terrible pregnancy and premature baby. I am going to have to put it in God's hands and roll with it. Please keep us in your prayers this year and we venture on that journey. We are also looking forward to using the pool this summer! Hoping to see lots of friends and all the new babies joining "the crew" this spring/summer.

Hoping all of us have a happy, prosperous, and healthy 2011. Love to all of you!