Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Our New Pool

Not really...but maybe ONE day we will have a pool again. This summer has definitely been tough without one! I bought a $5 pool yesterday at Walmart for Stellan and we had a little "splash" party in the backyard. He really liked it and it kept him entertained for about 20 minutes. Jinxy was not too happy about it though...I think I need to buy a play pool for her too!

Besides that we are busy house hunting in the Scottsdale, Paradise Valley area...hoping we find something that works for us, and of course a renter for our home. I just keep praying that if it's meant to be, then it will all play out. Here's a picture of our splash day!

And here is another one of Stellan "eating" his book...does anyone see a trend here?


  1. Yes, the trend is teething! I hate it & NOT looking forward to that part of another baby!?
    His hair is getting long & looking so cute and exxxxtra blond!
    He really looks like you in the 2nd picture. : )

    I am keeping my fingers & toes crossed that you guys find a place close to us!

  2. He is so cute Lia.....Hope you find a house soon!
