Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Latest shanigans

I know I's been a long time again. I am not good at this blogging stuff! Anyhoo just wanted to say Happy Spring! Isn't it amazing outside? We are having a blast getting the backyard together for some pool time. We are also building Stellan a big sand box with a palm tree in the middle. Stellan and his many friends are going to get a kick outta that!

Last weekend, Momma Judy and Pops came into town. It was Momma Judy's Bday! We are happy we got to celebrate with her. I had a great time cooking her favorite dinner~lasagna, salad, garlic bread. I also made a special french silk pie from was rich beyond rich!

Here's a pic:

Isn't that cute? Can't tell they are related at all!!! haha.

We also got to go to body World's (thank you to the Creel fam!) It was amazing to see the human body so exposed. Almost didn't look real.

One last thing, did I tell you how much I love my little man? I am seriously totally obsessed with him. It's true that no one can explain how much you will love or enjoy your children. My favorite time with him is when I get him out of his crib and we sit and have his "baba" on the couch. He snuggles with me and sometimes gives me milk face kisses. Here is one with his awesome morning hair.

Well that about sums it up. Gotta a busy weekend ahead of us. Momma Joanna is coming and we might even have a date night! woo hoo! Love to all!


  1. That is the cutest picture of them! Hope Momma Judy had an awesome birthday!- I know I would have, if someone made me that yummy pie.

    Glad you didn't post pics from the exhibit- I heard it's pretty....hmmmm, what's the word??- fleshy.
    My Dr. went, and said it reminded him of school/ studying cadavers & the smell of wintergreen gum!
    I knew it would be right up your alley, though. : )

    Can't wait to see the sandbox & get the kiddos together lots this summer!

  2. By the way, where is the 30th birthday post??? I was really looking forward to seeing the pics from the party.
