Friday, May 7, 2010

My annoying mom videos post!!!


I Promise to never post this many videos's just these were taken over the last few weeks and I wanted to catch you all up! My favorite video is Stellan "talking" to me. He does this all the time after he eats, it's like our little mommy and son bonding time. He gives the the biggest smiles and tries to respond back. He is so aware of the camera~maybe he's going to be an actor? Oh no~then we'd have to support him forever!! haha...Although he is seriously the craziest baby I know, I am still totally smitten with him.


  1. I like seeing him happy like that- maybe he is a morning person? : )

    Camden sat on my lap watching with me, and said "Nonna one!" (another one!)

  2. So CUTE.....So Funny to see YOU as a MaMa....But so glad your Happy! you so deserve it....

  3. OOPS...forgot to say...he is adorable!!

  4. I made the mistake of watching these in front of Rylee, so we had to watch them all TWICE! Can't wait to see him on Saturday and kiss his bald head!
